Synthetic Shoelaces

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Mateusz Company is a manufacturer of synthetic shoelaces. They enjoy tremendous popularity in various manufacturing fields. They appear in all types of footwear, textile products, and anywhere a proverbial piece of string is needed. Mateusz Company primarily uses polyester. It is durable, comes in many colors, and doesn’t bleed when wet.

The synthetic shoelaces we produce are divided into several groups:

  1. Trekking shoelaces
  2. Sport shoelaces.
  3. Specialized shoelaces.

Trekking shoelaces, as the name suggests, are intended for footwear used in the wilderness, outside the city, on mountain trails, or in forested areas. The shoelaces for such footwear must also meet durability standards. We produce them as round laces with a diameter of 4 – 5 mm. Usually, there’s one base color with added stripes. The color scheme is neutral, and the aglet can even be up to 2 cm.

Sport shoelaces are typically flat, with a width ranging from 5 to 8 mm. They are characterized by a tight weave and moderate stretchiness. The rich variety of colors ensures that everyone can find something for their footwear. Upon the customer’s request, we can incorporate gold or silver threads, mix colors, and more.

Another group of shoelaces produced by Mateusz Company is known as specialized shoelaces. This refers to shoelaces designed for uniformed services. Military footwear, in particular, imposes high demands on manufacturers. The shoelaces must also be waterproof, have zero stretch, and exhibit high resistance to tearing. Our shoelaces meet all these requirements, and we supply manufacturers of specialized footwear in Poland and many other countries.